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Acting coaching is designed to take your acting skills to a new level. 
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced actor, I'll be by your side to make sure your performance on the film set is impressive and authentic.
While shooting commercials, movies or series, I will help you dive deep into your role and fill it with emotion and nuance.
Together we will analyze scenes, discuss character development, and perfect techniques for being present in front of the camera.
My foc
us is on giving you the confidence to master any scene with convincing expression.


Schauspiel Coaching



Your ability to perform in front of other people and to present your thoughts convincingly is a key to professional and personal success. My individual performance skills training is all about strengthening your confidence and expressiveness. Whether you are in a leadership position, have to give presentations on a regular basis, or simply want to improve your communication skills, I will guide you along the way. Together we will work on techniques to overcome stage fright, use your body language consciously and convey your message clearly and convincingly. The training will not only increase your performance skills, but also your confidence in any situation where you are the center of attention.


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In a business world characterized by teamwork, harmonious relationships and effective communication are invaluable. Through my customized performance skills and harmony training, I will help your team make the most of each individual's strengths while developing strong, collaborative relationships. While I come to your company, together we will analyze the dynamics of the team and understand how hierarchies and positions affect the work atmosphere. We will conduct interactive exercises to encourage team members to communicate effectively and address conflict constructively. The results will be visible not only in improved team dynamics, but also in increased productivity and a more pleasant work environment



Autrittskompetenztrainig undHarmini

Presentation Skills Training & Personal Development

Are presentation skills and persuasive communication crucial for success? Do you find yourself needing to make decisions and communicate them publicly? Are these the moments when you don't feel entirely comfortable, or do you want your employees to learn these skills?

I offer tailored seminars, speeches, and workshops for companies, organizations, and businesses to address these needs. My programs are designed to enhance the confidence and expressiveness of your employees, whether in leadership roles, regular presentations, or improving general communication skills (or any other relevant topics).

Together, we'll develop techniques to overcome stage fright, promote conscious use of body language, and empower you and your employees to convey their messages clearly and persuasively. This training goes beyond mere presentation skills – it boosts the confidence of employees in any situation where they're in the spotlight.

Book me now to unleash the potential of you and your employees, taking your company to a new level of success!



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